# Actions

# Writing an Action

Each Action class should extend Lantern\Features\Action and there are several methods available.

# perform

The perform() method of your Action should contain the main task of the action and must return an ActionResponse, which is considered either successful or unsuccessful.

Any controller or artisan command can respond appropriately based on what is returned.

public function perform(): \Lantern\Features\ActionResponse 

# prepare

Often, you will want to show some data to an end-user before performing an Action. Typically, when displaying data being acted, e.g. in a form or for confirmation.

You don't necessarily want to have an Action just for this scenario (although you may), so you can define a public function prepare() method on your Action to handle this.

public function prepare(): array 

# availability

By default, each Action and Feature is available. With Availability, you declare a set of checks that must be passed before an Action is deemed available.

E.g. you might want to check:

  • current user has a specific privilege
  • current user was the owner of a particular resource

This will be done, much like testing, by asserting the result of different operations that you declare.

Availability is runtime, and depends on the specific context of any given request.

protected function availability(Lantern\Features\AvailabilityBuilder $builder) 

For information on checking against availability in your code and the available methods within the AvailabilityBuilder see Availability.

# constraints

If an Action relies on a system-level dependency, then you can declare this as a Constraint. The constraints method can be called from either a Feature or Action

For an illustration of in what way you may want to use this see Features - Constraints - An illustration

protected function constraints(\Lantern\Features\ConstraintsBuilder $constraints) 

Please note that constraints can also be called from your Features

For info on the available methods of the ConstraintsBuilder see Constraints.

# ID of an Action

Each action has an id, which must be unique across the Feature graph.

The id is used as a simple reference from across your Laravel application, e.g. when authorising an Action.

By default, the id is a dash-cased representation of the class name without the namespace, so ClearCompletedTodos becomes clear-completed-todos.

The auto-generated id will probably be good enough for you. As long as you keep in mind that your class name must be unique across your application, then it'll probably be just fine.

To override this default, simply declare a const ID = "" in your Action class:

const ID = "my-new-action-name";

# Passing data to your Action

When performing an Action, you will want to pass data into it, to be worked upon.

  1. Dependencies – typically other classes
  2. Input – data that typically comes from user input

Dependencies should be declared in the __construct() method of your Action. Input should be part of your perform() method, e.g.:

public function perform($todoText, $completed = false) 

# Calling an Action

You call an Action like this:


make() will instantiate your action using the arguments passed in, but return an instance of \Lantern\Features\ActionProxy.

The ActionProxy ensures that the Action is available to be performed within the current context.

Use the same approach to call prepare() where needed:


You can check availability using the ActionProxy, for example:

if ($action = MyAction::make()->available()) {


The availability will be checked behind the scenes anyway, when you call perform().

If perform() is called without checking availability and fails the check, a Lantern\LanternException will be thrown.

# Guest users

By default, all Users are expected to be logged in to perform an Action.

If your Action is to be accessible to Guest Users, then you must flag this on the Action.

const GUEST_USERS = true;